About Us
Freeing people in debt and poverty in Colchester since 2013.
What We Do
‘And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’
Micah 6:8
In the UK there are 15 million people in poverty – 22% of the entire population. Here in Colchester the Foodbank feeds 15 thousand people a year, 43% of those are children.
Colchester CMA Debt Centre seeks to release people from the prison of poverty and debt. We work in partnership with national charity Community Money Advice
Our services are always:
- Free
- Confidential
- Sympathetic – you’ll never be judged
- Face to face with a real person
Our advisers will:
- take over dealing with your creditors
- help you manage your household budget
- work with you for as long as you need help
For more information about the services our centre is able to offer and to make an appointment with one of our experienced money mentors contact us today.
Unique Support
Our support for clients is unique in many ways.
We know all about debt and what impact it has: it can feel like being in a prison where you can see no way out; it can make you feel afraid, ashamed, guilty, angry. We know it can make every part of your life hard and stressful and make you feel you can’t face another day.
However, there is a way out and our Money Mentors can help you to get free, not only to get out of debt but teach you how to remain debt free in the future. We do this through care and patience, God’s grace and his compassion towards all people.
All our help is free and we are looking to help any person who is feeling crushed by debt, irrespective of race, ethnicity, sexuality, religious background or, indeed, a preference not to be involved with religion.
Our Team

Centre Manager

Sharon Clayton
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Ruth Woodman
Money Mentor
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Sian Simpkins
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Nicky Young
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Michael Roberts
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Revd Dr Sara Batts-Neale
Chair of Trustees
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Toby Bull
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Andy Neill
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